3 Wheel Basic RiderCourse

The 3WBRC is recommended for all experience levels from the “never ridden at all” student to the very experienced rider with no formal training. All exercises are conducted on our custom closed-course riding range. Training motorcycles are provided by Riders First . Proper protective riding gear is required which includes: DOT Helmet, Eye Protection, Full Fingered Gloves, Long Pants. Long Sleeve Shirt/Jacket, and Over the Ankle Boots.

This course provides a waiver for Indiana, Ohio, Kentucky and Michigan to obtain a 3Wheel Motorcycle Endorsement to your Drivers Licenses.

The 3WBRC, consists of five hours of the online Motorcycle Safety Foundation’s EP 1x11 eCourse, and ten hours of on-cycle riding exercises. Students who pass the 3WBRC will be issued a waiver card that will allow waiver of the state road skill test and will receive their motorcycle endorsement/license upon presenting the appropriate course completion card to the license bureau.

Skills covered in the 3WBRC

-Motorcycle Familiarization
-Starting and Stopping
-Shifting gears
-Quick Stop