Basic RiderCourse

We PROVIDE the motorcycle for the training weekend.

No PERMIT is required to participate in a 2 Wheel or 3 Wheel Basic RiderCourse.

Please review the confirmation email you received upon registration. Our “FAQs” page is another great resource for information.

If you do not bring the items below, you may not be permitted to continue with your course.

Personal Riding Gear is Required

Bring with you on Saturday and Sunday:

DOT Approved Helmet

Eye Protection (visor or glasses)

Full-Fingered Gloves

Long-Sleeved Shirt or Jacket

Long Pants (with no holes)

Footwear (sturdy over the ankle)

Rain Gear (optional)



Required items

Bring with you on Saturday:

A Valid Drivers License

MSF eCourse Completion Certificate

Signed Waivers- (Link)

Find out more about the training bikes we use at our locations.

2 Wheel Basic RiderCourse Day 1, Day 2, and Skills Evaluation