My name is Elliot Hopkins (nickname Traveler) and I live in Indianapolis. I am originally from Chicago. I started riding late in life and fell in love with two wheels. I started like most folks with a smaller bike (Suzuki 450) then moved up to a Volusia (800cc) to a 2012 Honda Goldwing. I like long trips and have ridden through the entire east coast top to bottom and the mid-west. I am looking forward to riding west soon. I have been a Rider Coach for 18 years and have taught in Ft. Wayne, Columbus, Terre Haute, Peru, Elkhart, Anderson, Plainfield, Richmond and every range in Indianapolis and Carmel, hence the nickname…Traveler. I have learned a lot from teaching hundreds of students over the years. I hope that I can share my knowledge and experience with you. Be safe and enjoy the ride!